Legal paperwork is boring at a minimum and scary to most. But it is worth the effort getting a few forms figured out in advance. It can save much time and money later on, and possibly keep your family from fighting. I am not a lawyer, accountant or doctor! This is just general advice that you'll need to verify with your own professionals within your state.
These documents can be prepared by a lawyer or through online software: Will, Financial Power of Attorney, Health Power of Attorney, Trust Agreement, Funeral Arrangements, Minor Guardianship.
Each state provides their own free version of these documents. Completing these forms will ensure that your end of life choices are followed by the doctors and family members: Do Not Resuscitate (Scope of Treatment), Advance Directive (Living Will).
Most cash based assets require a beneficiary. Make sure you have designated a person(s) or entity, and that they are current. This allows the money to go to the correct person and possibly avoid probate: Bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, life insurance policies.